customer service and troubleshooting

customer service and troubleshooting

Coinbase offers various options for technical assistance through its website and mobile app. Users are required to verify their account via email or SMS code, and may be asked to verify their identity at different times. Customer support is available through the FAQ section on the website, email, message, phone contact, and Twitter. In case of specific issues, users can send a ticket to Coinbase by following a step-by-step process through the Help Center on the website. However, phone contact is mainly for account blocking due to suspicious activity. Users can also contact Coinbase Support on Twitter but not for specific account problems.

For this reason, the platform has a few options as standard to be able to provide technical assistance to all those who have problems with the platform, either from its website or from the mobile app they developed. In any case, there are different methods with which we can contact Coinbase with the aim of resolving the problem we are having with our account, technical failures with the platform card or any other reason.

Verify your account

One of the most important points to keep in mind when using Coinbase is that we will need verify our account, or even, they will ask us to verify our identity so that we can use the services that this online platform makes available to us without any major problems. Among the alternatives offered to us we see that there are two ways, and they are the following:

  • via email: We will receive an email in which we will have to click on the link they give us to verify the account.
  • By SMS code: They will ask us to add a mobile number, select the country so that they can send us a verification code that we will have to enter later.

Furthermore, it is not something that we should only do once. Coinbase may ask us to do so from time to time in order to avoid fraud or when making different changes related to our account. For this reason, we will be required to verify identity at different times. Although, to prove that it is us, we will have to introduce an identification document, such as a driving license or DNI.

Coinbase Verified Account

Methods to contact

In the event that we had different problems with the mobile app or from the web platform, there are different ways to contact their customer service in order for them to help us resolve, not only the errors that may have occurred when trying to access our account, but also to answer questions when it comes to buy, sell or invest in cryptocurrencies. And that's not all. For this reason, we will tell you the different ways in which we can contact their technical support.

Frequent questions

For millions of users, one of the main means of help that they have found within this platform that is used for the exchange of digital assets has been the “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)” section that we find within the Coinbase website. In this menu, we can quickly see if someone has had the same question as us and, above all, if someone from customer service or another user has been able to provide an answer to the question or problem.

For this reason, one of the best points to see any questions in the easiest way, before calling or sending an email to the platform, will be by going to the section FAQ. To access it, we will have to go directly to this menu in which we can begin to answer different questions or even give us the steps to follow in case we had any type of problem related to the platform or cryptocurrencies.

FAQ Coinbase

By email

However, it will not always be enough. In our case we may need talk to someone directly from customer service, because our problem or question does not appear in the long list of FAQs that Coinbase makes available to us. For this reason, we will always have the alternative of contacting you via email.

Here, it will be more like sending a request to technical support with the aim that they end up helping us in a “more human” way. Although, to achieve this, it will be necessary to see a series of steps that we will see later. Basically, because we will be sending a “ticket” so that they can solve the failure that we are suffering with some of the services offered by this platform.

Send Message

This is one of the options that we will only find in the web browser, that is, from the Coinbase page. Therefore, if we are using the mobile or tablet app, we must go directly to the device's browser to be able to use this means of contact with the cryptocurrency platform.

This method offers us the possibility of sending a message to customer service. And the best of all is that we can chat with them at any time and, above all, on any day we want, as they offer a 24/7 service. Therefore, within your Help Center, we will see how an option appears in the lower right corner that says “Message Us” (Send us a message). By clicking on this button, a pop-up window will open that will give us access to a chat with a virtual assistant. Although, if we prefer, we can also talk to an agent, in case we need more help.

Send message Coinbase

Telephone contact

In this case, for all those users who come to Spain, this route will be the least recommended option. Basically, because the contact numbers they offer us are to directly block the account on the platform because we have noticed suspicious activity. That is, they will not deal with solving any type of problem or doubt, but this method is to disable a profile immediately if the account has been compromised. The contact numbers are as follows, and it must also be made clear that it is an automated service:

  • EE.UU. / International: +1 (888) 908-7930.
  • Kingdom Unido: +44808168 4635.
  • Ireland: +353 1800200355.
  • India: +91 000 8000503236

Try Twitter

One last way with which we can contact the Customer Service through a specific profile called “Coinbase Support” on Twitter. And, in order to continue serving the thousands and thousands of users that the platform has, in 2014 they created an account specifically for this.

Furthermore, we can send a direct message (DM) to the account so that they can help us. However, from their website they make it clear to us that they can help us with different problems with the products or services they offer us, but that, for security and privacy reasons, they will not be able to help us with specific account problems through Twitter.

Twitter account Coinbase support

Step by step to send a ticket

As we mentioned before, we can reach resort to the option of sending a “ticket” through an email in which we can explain in detail the error that is affecting us or doubt that we cannot resolve through any of the means offered by the platform. Therefore, we will tell you step by step how to send a ticket to Coinbase so that you can solve all the problems you have.

  • First of all, we will have to access your Help Center.
  • Afterwards, we must click on the option “Contac us” (Contact us).
  • Once we are inside, there are several products/services that we can choose from.
  • Select the option with which you have an incident or question.
  • See below where it says “Let’s get started” (Let us begin).
  • Tap on “Select an option” (Select option) and choose the one that is giving you problems.
  • Then, choose the specific error.
  • And finally, go to the “What seems to be the problem?” (What seems like the problem?) to choose the specific option.
  • Here, we must fill in more data within the form that will open when choosing the last option. Normally, we will have to enter our email address, a subject of the message and describe what is happening to us.
  • Finally, we will have to click on “Send verification email” (Send a verification email).


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